Hear Liu Yuan this ghost yak leng leng.

Because it didn’t expect Lu Yuan to know the black goat eggs.
You know, it’s also after consciousness devours a black goat egg
I learned the information of black goat eggs.
Although it is not clear that Liu Yuan, a gold-rated human, dares to approach himself actively.
But out of absolute confidence in their own strength
Ghost yak expression is very calm.
I want the black goat eggs in your hand!
See ghost yak slowly opened its mouth to Liu Yuan.
A lot of spirit and dark attribute spirit force began to converge in its mouth.
Seeing this, Liu Yuan smiled and said, "Can you superpowers and ghosts pet animals in a different way? It’s a similar trick again."
Ghost skills, hidden energy shock wave!
Carrying a lot of dark psychic and spiritual shock waves.
Instantly flew out of the ghost yak’s mouth and shot in the direction of Luyuan.
A huge explosion suddenly sounded in the forest.
The ghost yak looked at the mushroom cloud produced by the explosion and showed a trace of pride.
But soon the pride in his eyes disappeared.
See the land source coming from another direction.
And smiled at it and said, "Don’t you know, big guy, that even if you can’t hit the enemy’s attack, it’s meaningless …?"
Look out = unscathed Liu Yuan.
The ghost yak’s face gradually showed anger
How dare this damn human provoke himself?
Thinking of this ghost yak, he decided to send a fatal attack directly to Liu Yuan.
The field expands … Ghost Nest!
A huge area, the ghost yak center, began to spread rapidly to the surrounding area.
And Liu Yuan saw it spread out in the field and immediately revealed a strange smile.
Because he’s waiting … This is the moment!
As Lu Yuan just said to the ghost yak,
It is meaningless to miss the enemy’s attack.
And pet animals in the process of expanding the field
One side will lose the ability to move for a short time.
Liu Yuan is ready to seize this rare opportunity!
See Liu Yuan bounce the coins in his hand.
After the coin falls to a certain distance, suddenly hold it.
Lu Yuan held the coin in his hand and put it against his forefinger and thumb.
Pointed to the distant ghost yak
If there is a past life here to see Liu Yuandong.
I will definitely exclaim that this is not the iconic’ coin attack’ of Bao Jie … super magnetic gun!
There is nothing wrong with Lu Yuan’s move at this time, which is the exclusive symbolic skill of the replica gun sister.
Want to know’ Bai Lei Yu Long Blessing’ brought to Lu Yuan is a powerful thunder attribute attack.
Na Li Bao Jie’s principle of super magnetic gun
Combined with this powerful ray attribute attack
Doubt can make this attack to a higher level again.
This attack is enough to deal with a half-step platinum ghost yak.
Hua …
Accompanied by dense white light, it appears around the land source.
The virtual shadow of a huge white thunderfeather dragon
Slowly appeared the land source roof.
The virtual shadow of Bai Leiyu’s dragon contains terror.
Let the ghost yak instantly have a strong fear.
Lu Yuanyi Li Bai Lei Yu Long Virtual Shadow
Not far away, I look at the ghost yak temporarily acting because of the expansion of the field
Smiled and said, "Farewell to everyone."
Bai Lei Yu Long Blessed Change … Super Magnetic Gun!
With a coin cut long.
A huge white thunder with a diameter of more than 1 meter was emitted from the fingertips of Lu Yuan.
An unstoppable terrorist power shot at the ghost yak …
Chapter 415 Field development … Phoenix filariasis!
The ghost yak looked at the super-magnetic cannon that swept through.
There was a shocked expression on his face.
It never thought of the human in front of it.
Incredibly able to launch a comparable platinum attack.
In the sight of this amazing super magnetic gun.
Let it feel the fatal threat!
Not only that, the selection of land sources is also very tricky.
It’s time for it to display its field.
At this time, it will come to avoid or defend.
Looking at that is almost instant boom to your super magnetic gun.
The ghost yak face showed a desperate expression.
Accompanied by a violent explosion
Ghost yak body is instantly covered by a lot of light.
The super magnetic gun released by Lu Yuan’s coin.
Instantaneous ghost Mao Liu opened a big hole.
Covering the area around the body of the ghost yak.
Also collapsed in the process.
And the sign of the field collapse is the performance of the ghost yak being hit hard.

And more effective!

Xiao Qiushui is immortal!
Xiao colchicine evaded this sword!
The man stabbed a sword and couldn’t see whether it worked. Once he felt that he had stabbed the mist, he might fight back at any time, and immediately returned to the sword and jumped back three feet.
Water vapor exploded and destroyed Xiao Qiushui nu way
"Kang fishing …"
See the other side of the temple frost happeneth Jiang Yihai put an end to the wind.
Ouyang Shan, a founder of Tang Dynasty, faced off with Tu Gungun.
One of the "19 Demons in Heaven and Earth" has four extremely difficult and difficult demons.
Kang Chuyu hates Xiao Qiushui just as Xiao Qiushui hates him.
Kang Chuyu repeatedly killed Xiao Qiushui, but ruined the lives of several colleagues. Thinking that he almost died in Chengdu gradually made Kang Chuyu wary of Xiao Qiushui. Xiao Qiushui grew up at such an early age. !
You must first get rid of Xiao Qiushui when you decide to go fishing without resorting to means.
Therefore, he not only countered with one hand, but also used water to hide and stab a sword, only to give Xiao Qiushui a sensitive, quick response and accurate judgment.
Kang Chuyu hated it even more. He decided not to let Xiao Qiushui live today again.
Wen Bing Frost’s leg was injured in World War I, and it was very difficult for Jiang Yihai and put an end to it. Together, it was like an iron hoop and a sharp knife. Wen Bing Frost became cattle and sheep to be slaughtered.
Cattle and sheep will struggle when they are dying
Bees are desperate to sting their feet and hurt people.
Put an end to and Jiang Yihai can’t succeed at the moment.
It’s better to roll hidden weapons than Tang Fang. Now, although there is an Ouyang Shan, a roll can still prevail.
But Tu Gungun was slapped by Qiu Nangu two days ago, and even kicked by Wen Binshuang. The skill of recovery was greatly reduced, and he won’t win at the moment.
Xiao colchicine’s mind fell, and the three of them caught sight of this. He wanted Xiao colchicine to kill at a stroke when he was distracted.
Qiu Nangu, Zuo Qiu detachment, Ma Jingzhong, Tie Xingyue, they wish!
What, they haven’t come back yet? !
Kang Chuyu seemed to see what Xiao Qiushui was thinking. "You have to wait for the savior, don’t you?"
"You wait for death!"
"Qiu Nangu and Zuo Qiu detachment have long given Peng Jiu a look at Tiexingyue and Ma unexpectedly. I’m afraid Liu Qian is dead at the moment, and there are Han Sihai bring up the rear who are dead."
"You also accept your fate!"
Xiao colchicine heard blood burst with a big roar and rushed over to Kang Chuyu’s heart and did Sarah laugh. -yes! That’s it! The more you lose your mind, the faster you will die!
At this time, I heard a stuffy hum and frost on my right leg, and I got a knife and put an end to blood spatter. The vein door has been seized by Jiang Yihai and I am desperately trying to break free.
And several times, it turned out that Tie Xingyue, Qiu Nangu, Ma Jingzhong and Zuo Qiu Chaoran all fled back and beat their opponents as they retreated, namely Peng Jiu and Liu Qianbian.
Suddenly I heard a very heavy, energetic, vigorous, heroic and polite voice saying, "Stop it and talk about it."
"You" didn’t stop.
At this time, the fight is in full swing, and who dares to stop first!
Another clear, sonorous, energetic middle-aged female voice is clear and clear, and every word is tunnel.
"Do you have to do it if you have something to say?"
These people all have a strong Guangxi accent, but they speak standard Wulin mandarin and are polite and generous, just like the learned old man in the local area advised impulsive children not to fight.
There is also an old, hoarse voice saying, "If you fight again, you will be killed. It seems that you are also famous people in the Jianghu. How can you do this to a few young people?"
Let’s talk about the devil, such as Kang Chuyu, and don’t care about him, for fear that someone will interfere with the move, which will be even more vicious.
At this moment, another heroic and refreshing voice said, "Are these famous’ Excalibur Watching the Sun’ Kang Chuyu Kang,’ Nine Fingers Catch the Dragon’ Jiang Yi Hai Jiang’s master’ hidden weapons’s 36-handed dark pile 36 branded’ Tu Guntu’s boss called’ a sharp knife and a demon’ put an end to it! Is there another old hero who is a’ leg-off’ writer? "
In his voice, this man has great respect for Kang Chuyu, Jiang Yihai, Tu Gungun, and Wen Binshuang, but he is very contemptuous of putting an end to them.
Perhaps this person still doesn’t know that Kang Chuyu, Jiang Yihai, Tu Guns and so on have already helped the trolls in the "Nine Days, Ten Places and Nineteen People" and put an end to the earth demons, but it is well known.
This man can recognize the number of martial arts masters at a glance from their fighting and dismantling, and he can tell their identity, high vision and rich experience.
Kang Chuyu and others were shocked when they heard it. They didn’t know whether they were friends or enemies. Suddenly, they listened to another person’s voice. It was very cold, severe and anxious. "Even if you want to fight in Guangxi, you have to ask our five tigers in Guangxi!"
Everyone can’t help but stop.
Guangdong and Guangdong Wulin Liangdou Guangxi Quhanshan is a martial arts master.
Qu Hanshan, Du Yueshan and Gu Junshan are well known as the "Three Mountains in Guangxi", and the four unique features of the three mountains are Wen Binshuang, Bi Tiantong, Yao Duwu and Huang Yuanyong.
These are the top figures in Guangzhou Wulin.
There are ten tigers in Guangzhou.
There are five tigers in Guangxi and five in Guangdong.
Of course they are not real tigers, but people.
Not only people but also heroes are called "tigers"
Their origins, martial arts, generations, Xiao Xilou, Kang Chuyu or Zhang Jue, Tu Gunu, Emei and Shaolin are all very different.
They were born as martial artists.
They are not strangers, but have been honed in a series of fights in the street, playing tricks in a series of fights, saving their lives after a series of butterfly blood in long streets, and stabilizing their position in a series of street disputes.
It is also because of this that every point they achieved was made by their own blood and sweat, and they were not lucky at all.
That’s why they deserve more respect.

As the days passed, I was crazy about drawing dark power from ugly human nature for a long time, and then I felt chatting again.

Chapter II Pawnshop Master II
The pawnbrokers who came to the pawnshop were all ugly faces, and the pawnbrokers were all pawned and left in the pawnshop as slaves. After I extracted something, all the people were walking dead, and none of them could make me feel better.
I once again look to the human world.
There seems to be nothing in the human world that interests me.
I am finally interested in remembering that Yuan Tiangang made that Millennium seal before he died.
Going to the Millennium seal, I saw that the seal inside was a ghost.
I’m interested in that ghostly power, but Yuan Tiangang can’t even lift this thousand-year seal.
I can’t break the Millennium seal, but I can still return to the pawnshop because of lack of interest and continue to draw from the ugly human nature.
Seeing that ghost, I want to go to the ghost world to find out what it is. I must first make myself stronger and have the strength to open the time tunnel.
After the pawnshop opened, there was a special guest, that is, the king of the nether world.
The ghost king didn’t pawn anything after he came to the pawnshop several times, and he left soon. I easily peeped into his mind. I know he came to spy on things in the pawnshop.
I don’t care about this.
The king of the underworld is just a wannabe in my eyes.
I’m a little unhappy to feel that the king of the underworld has come to the pawnshop again
I’m going to show up and warn him. As soon as I let him know clearly that this place is not a vegetable market, it’s not a place where he can wander at will if he wants to.
When I appeared in the pawnshop again, I met Lv Xiaoran.
Lv Xiaoran is the first person to come to the pawnshop, but I can’t see through my mind.
The reason why Lv Xiaoran caught my attention is not only that I can’t see through my mind, but also that she is a ghost descendant, and her constitution is actually a physical person of a marginal person.
When I saw Lv Xiaoran, I remembered that when I was Yuan Tiangang’s younger brother, I wanted to get the girl with a physique.
I want to be my own woman, and I really have some affection for her.
When I saw Lv Xiaoran, I knew she must be the younger brother of that female offspring.
This situation suddenly made me feel that time passed quickly and suddenly I felt alive. In a flash, all the people I used to know were no longer with me.
I lost the interest in going to the king of the underworld. I let them leave the pawnshop.
Lv Xiaoran’s coming to smash the field is something I didn’t expect at first. Since the pawnshop opened, she is the first human who dares to be presumptuous in the pawnshop.
I’m here to kill her as an example, but I can’t help but become interested in her when I see that she is seriously injured and calm.
It’s rare to meet a human who interests me again, and I decided to be merciful and forgive her.
Yuan Tiangang woke up and let me talk with compassion. Now I will be compassionate once.
I began to pay attention to Lu Xiaoran’s every move, and the more I found her interesting.
It is not easy for her to live, but she is strong, growing like grass in a rock crack.
The king of the nether world is full of love for her, but she still remembers one thing, far from the first lover of the king of the nether world
Every time she sees me, she always looks calm and has no fear.
After she finally pawned, I finally got a glimpse of what she had.
I always knew that every time she saw me, she was in a panic, and she was as calm as a cucumber.
Her soul is the purest soul I have ever seen.
I don’t like her soul very much. I was immediately unhappy. I told her that if I were to inspire ghosts in her future life.
I know very well that once she pawns off the ghost power inspired by her future body, she will surely die.
Seeing that she did not hesitate to respond to my conditions, I sneered in my heart that human roots with such a pure soul like her should not continue to live.
I continued to pay attention to her affairs. I watched coldly as she and the king of the underworld fought against each other in the white clouds. I watched coldly as she inspired the hidden ghosts to harvest several lives.
I began to be surprised that she could develop the word "more frustrated and more brave" to the extreme, and that she made rapid progress.
I didn’t immediately accept his ghost power after the ghost in the Millennium seal. I just want Lu Xiaoran to make trouble again.
When she brought her father to the pawn shop, I instructed the black man to complete the pawn transaction.
I want to see her feel guilty and lose her composure.
She surprised me again that she adjusted her mind so quickly.
Looking at her crying and laughing, I suddenly felt as if I had a little bit of distressed mood.
I didn’t expect that she was able to kill the ghosts coming out of the Millennium seal and unify the Yin, which won the support of all factions in the human world
Look at her, she set up a big banquet for the Terran people and accepted gifts from various factions of the Terran people, I remembered the scene when Xi Zong was in full swing.
Lv Xiaoran, a man with a dark body, reappeared the scene of the unity of all factions in the human world after many years.
I began to look at Lv Xiaoran again. I think it is also a good choice to let her be my partner.
There are such women who barely deserve me.
With this idea, I contacted her after the Terran banquet.
It seems that I can choose her. My partner is a great gift to her, but she didn’t give me an answer immediately.
Knowing that she is stubborn, when I give her consideration
Going back to the pawnshop again, I began to worry about how to distort her humanity.
I want her to be my partner, so she can’t have a pure soul anymore because I don’t like pure souls.
When I came to the human world again, I clearly felt that the laws of the three realms had been tampered with, and the laws of the three realms were specifically aimed at me.
Regardless of me, I know that she has unified the three realms into a new king of the three realms, and the laws of the three realms have been specially added to me
This situation made me laugh and a little angry. When I found her and gave her three days to think about it.
Three days later, I forcibly took her back to the pawnshop.
I ask my dark power when I ask for benefits.
Let her draw the dark power from the ugly human nature, which is my way to distort human nature as soon as possible.
I don’t think there is anything wrong with distorting human nature, because my human nature has long been deformed, and I know this clearly, and I am happy.
After she refused the dark power, I told her that I agreed and I was happy. From now on, she is my appendage; If you don’t promise me, I’ll let her watch her heart die one by one.

Not only hands shake, but also eyelids shake

This situation is very special. Deng Yuping knows that there are usually two situations when he is like this.
The opponent is too powerful-Liu Suifeng is recognized as the most difficult and unfathomable expert in Wulin in recent years.
Another situation is that the murderous look is too heavy. Deng Yuping’s murder is nothing, but it is definitely something stronger and more terrible than murderous look.
What is that?
Deng Yuping looked at the two blind old monks and their eyelids chugged more violently.
-that’s the two men!
-but they are clean and kind, and they don’t touch a trace of ShaQi or murderous look. What is it that bothers him?
Deng Yuping doesn’t know that these three people are going to meet in Bangladesh, but she knows that.
Meng xiangfeng traveled in the Jianghu. Guilin presided over Huanhua, but I don’t know how many storms he went through. He knew these three people.
Kong’s departure is a strong hand. Of course he was overjoyed. Otherwise, he didn’t know why he fought with Liu Suifeng, who was dressed in light Tsing Yi, but assassinated Taichan reality at first hand.
But Kong Bielai is far from the appearance of these three monks.
North shaolin presided over the martyrdom of Master Tianzheng, and Master Longhu, a monk, also died. The butterfly and cicada fought against each other, betraying the remnant master of Shaolin in Songshan and the master of Konoha. It is no longer easy to deal with it, and it is not easy to help the more powerful.
Wudang Taichan’s real person was assassinated, and the keeper of the Que died. The real master did his best to help fight against the remaining laity master Zhuo Feifan, and two road flyovers, Tieqi and Yinping, whose whereabouts were erratic, were even more effective.
Among the sects of the 16th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, twelve sects have lost their vitality, and only four sects, such as Tangmen and Beggars’ Sect, have lost their momentum. At one time, Fujian Shaolin was destroyed by the help of various sects, but it was difficult to save it. More importantly, there are three top figures in South Shaolin who are very headache.
-South Shaolin presided over the master monk, who is also the younger brother of Nagato, the master of Tianzheng. The master monk is proficient in the Yijin Sutra and the magic wand method, and is the first master of Buddhism besides Tianzheng.
-The two elders of Shaolin, Fujian, the Tianmu monk and the Earth Eye Master are two masters of Shaolin’s refined "robbing fingers" and "participating fingers"
It is because of these three eminent monks that it is magical to help attack and kill Wudang Shaolin soldiers, and even Zhao Shi personally dispatched them, but he still can’t achieve success in World War I.
Now the three monks coming out of the forest are the master monks of Tianmu and Diyan!
The sky is high, the clouds are blue, the bamboo is green and the willow is green.
Fashion is good
Liu Suifeng’s thumb holds his forefinger’s horizontal lip, and the remaining three fingers are slightly tilted. In the sunshine, his fingers are as white as snow.
Willow five smile but smile has some bitter.
So he covered his fingers with laughter.
He usually does this when he has to hide something.
He knew that Kong Bieli was a difficult figure in Wulin, but even more difficult was the two blind monks.
What is even more frightening is the master monk with a harmonious face.
And he heard the junction of bamboo forest in Liu Yin two hundred paces away. Although there was no sound, he knew that there were two people lying there.
But also two extremely powerful character.
The two men didn’t make any noise, but Liu Suifeng didn’t move or ring when he heard the wind coming from a clump of leaves near the shady road.
There is a theory that there is a very powerful person hiding there and holding down the leaves without moving.
Liu Wu not only laughed a little bitter, but also couldn’t laugh.
So the more he touched Bahe’s lips.
Xiao Xueyu stared at this man and was really shocked.
She and Kong parted from Wan Li, and invited these three Shaolin masters to meet their fellow Wulin colleagues in Xiao’s Jianlu Mountain, only to find that they stopped the top figure in the Power Gang here.
"Sun and Moon in Sleeves" Liu Suifeng

When I took the stairs, Sisi finally breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, Chu Ningzhao did not continue to ask questions, but with so many people present, even if he had questions, he would not really ask them.

"Mom, is the game over?" Is probably suppress too long ChuRui baby voice tightness in the asked 1.
"Not yet. Shall we play for a while?" Thought to speed up the pace, must be completely out of here before she can really rest assured.
Chu Rui didn’t doubt it, even though he thought that the person who talked to his mother just now made him very curious …
Qingchen knew that Sisi was drinking water when he met the news of Chuningzhao today, and he was directly choked by the water and thirsty for a long time before returning to normal.
After she asked what happened at that time, Nai said, "So it seems that you should go out as little as possible recently, especially not with Ruirui."
Thinking that she promised today also made her very scared.
Section 3
When Chenchi came to pick Qingchen up for dinner in the evening, Qingchen told Chenchi about it at the first time.
"Didn’t you say ChuNingZhao won’t stay here for a long time? Then when will he leave? "
The tone of Chenchi near Qingchen became serious. "Actually, this is the home of Chuningzhao."
However, his career has been in city A in recent years, but Chu Ningzhao will come back sooner or later. After all, his deepest foundation is buried here.
"That thought …"
After a short thought, Chenchi told Qingchen, "You can talk to your friend. If she decides to stay here all the time, the child will be discovered by Chuningzhao sooner or later."
Qing Chen suddenly felt that his mood was heavy and he didn’t have the mood to eat.
Like to see that in the morning, Chen Chi suddenly hooked his lips and laughed. At that time, even the surrounding gas became charming because of his smile.
"But I can take you to meet someone. Maybe your friend can hide it from you."
Qing Chen looked at him with suspicion. "Aren’t you friends with ChuNingZhao? Why do you want to help me instead of him …"
Chenchi corners of the mouth with a ponder smile "maybe it’s because of you-"
Chenchi’s long ending voice is particularly charming "more important than him"
Beyond the topic, a new humanities "Genius Meng Bao Liang Fei" is Shui Jun’s heart
Good and wicked woman+ruthless and tender prince+Gao Lenger+belly black daughter = unique pet+unique cool text 1v1 double strong and exclusive abuse.
The laboratory exploded, and her body died. A burst of heat woke her up, but she was poisoned. God pity gave her a man at this time. She jumped and wiped her face and turned around and left.
Five years later, jane doe went back to Beijing again with two Yingying Jasper children and two little babies who cheated their father and hid the world. Behind them, there was a mother who supported him and watched a father turn back to Xiaobailian’s wife to take back a pair of black children.
☆, Chapter sixty-two Amazing people
Qingchen couldn’t help but slow down her breathing. She blinked slowly and hid her escape in her heart as if she didn’t listen to what he said and laughed easily. "Don’t joke."
Chenchi picked his eyebrows but didn’t go on to start the car. "Chu Ningzhao is not so easy to be deceived, so your friend should prepare for the worst."
It is because Chenchi knows ChuNingZhao too well that she wakes up in this way.
The capital is full of officials, but it also needs to be divided into three, six, nine, and so on. These guys are all rooted in Miao Hong’s younger brother. Actually, Chu Ningzhao is not the most powerful family in the background. Over the years, the Chu family has gradually turned to business, but the foundation is still in the capital and there are still words.
But Chu Ningzhao is definitely the most ruthless. When he was a child, he was always an absolute leader in the military compound. No one could stop him if he didn’t know how to be soft and wanted to do something.
So if Chuningzhao knew that he had a son, let alone Chuningzhao himself, even the Chu family wouldn’t let his younger generation wander out.
In particular, Chu Ningzhao, who is not married over 30 this year, has already complained a lot about the elders of Chu family. No matter whether the capital city or A city, there are many darling daughter people who trust him. He secretly promised Nai Chuningzhao that he didn’t want to get married. If Chu’s elders are flustered again, they can force him to see the needle and tell Chu Ningzhao to get married as soon as possible
If the Chu family knew that Chuningzhao already had a height, they would be particularly excited.
Qingchen sighed faintly. "I’ll tell her."
"Then who did you just say can help you think?" Qing Chen is curious to ask Chen Chi.
"You’ll know when you go."
If Chu Ningzhao is a fierce leopard, Chenchi is the most cunning fox.
Chen’s family is not in the military compound, but Chen Chi’s uncle lives there and is a high-ranking military officer. He also goes to play occasionally. If children from different compounds fight, Chu Ningzhao will always rush ahead and beat others out of the water.
Chenchi is always smiling on the side, unless someone takes the initiative to find the door, he will never start work. In the end, Chuningzhao’s face is dusty, but he is still clean and tidy.
But what Chenchi will definitely do is to send the worst beaten ones home respectively, and then face the elders in military uniforms with a calm expression, and keep his side of the fight clear so that the parents of the other side can’t spill it.
Many elders admire Chen Jia, a junior, as a formidable figure.
His best skill is to hide his own strength and give others the illusion that it will be miserable if the other party underestimates the enemy.
And the other person is a monster.
Lu Jinian often said that Zheng Nuo was a psychopath, which is actually true.

"Haha, since it’s inconvenient for Princess Ai today, why don’t you let me change my bedroom?"

Su Yu eyes swept three female charming body bad smiled and said, "which heroine is willing to stand up? Take the initiative? "
"What a shame!"
Ling Aner exclaimed that Wan’er was shy and bowed his head, but Nianqing was so domineering that he peeled off juicy lychee in his hand and stuffed it into Su Yu’s mouth.
"Eat lychee and talk less!"
Nian Qingyi smiled and was very charming. "If you are not afraid of being heard, we can come in the carriage!"
As he spoke, the demon threw a charming look at Su Yu, making him feel like touching all over.
"You leprechaun"
Su Yu bit litchi with a wry smile.
It’s a long way to the Principality of Qinjian. It’s not every day that you can find the city and the villages and towns. It’s hard to spend a few days in a carriage.
But good Su Yu, though distinguished, is also a fighter who can withstand sth over and over again.
It’s that four women are delicate and tender, and they can’t suffer. Although they insist on gritting their teeth, Su Yu is distressed that the four women’s trip can be somewhat delayed
But Su Yu didn’t wave these stop-and-go processes.
When the second month came, Su Yu gained a lot of popular energy, more than one million!
With the popular energy, it can make Su Yu have the confidence to practice.
Su Yu, who has a lot of people’s heart and energy, travels with four women occasionally, but he also draws his own martial arts strength to the peak of burning God.
I have to say that Su Yu has been very busy since he took the position of Emperor of the Chinese Empire.
We should not only worry about the affairs of our country and country, but also take care of our own cultivation, and we should not neglect the beautiful women around us
It’s really not easy to be a good man!
"It is difficult for a good man to be a good man!"
This is an overview of Su Yu’s feelings after her two-month trip.
215 Chapter 215 Wing royal family
A restaurant wing in the capital of Qinjian Principality br >
[drop! Congratulations on the breakthrough of host strength! This practice consumes people’s energy 】
A practice consumes more than 50,000 people’s energy, which is really powerful, but the practice needs too much people’s energy!
A few days ago, Su Yu fully consumed more than 20,000 people’s energy when he broke through the peak of burning the gods!
"Congratulations to me if you haven’t broken through. You are enough."
Su Yu sighed slightly and vomited a unified sentence and then got up.
Last night, they arrived at the capital of Qinjian Principality, which is a small city with a prosperous economy and people’s livelihood. The whole country advocates martial arts.
Although the principality of Qin Jian is a principality in a fair way, there are only a few cities in the actual rule.
The principality of Qin and Jian is called the principality of Qin and Jian because of the Qin Hai Ya and Jian Ge, which were originally a large number of martial arts forces, one specializing in Qin Dao and the other in Jian Dao.
Both forces are formed by Terrans. Strictly speaking, they are barely the first-class martial arts forces in the four continents. Unfortunately, in recent years, fewer and fewer experts at the level of Qin Haiya and Jiange have fallen off the altar and become second-rate forces.
Simply, they merged in 3,000 to form the Principality of Qinjian, and gathered in two forces to recruit foreign disciples to protect themselves in this chaotic continent.
After three thousand years of continuous operation, the principality of Liqin Sword is not bad, although it is not powerful or full of peaches and plums, but there are many allies, which is also a modest force.
The two sects in the Principality of Qin and Jian were originally red Miao and martial arts forces of human beings. However, due to the continuous recruitment of disciples in the past 3,000 years, they have gradually become full of masters of major powerful families.
Although the two sects are still the leaders of the Terran, some people can’t estimate that they will be absorbed by other strong clans in a hundred years, and the Terran will lose a big martial arts sect.
In the final analysis, there is no king in the principality of Qinjian. The two sects are like a family. The elders of each faction set up a parliament of thirteen people in the principality to discuss and decide on state affairs through the parliament.
This is a country with the first martial arts sect.
This kind of thing is not uncommon in the Sifang mainland, where strong ethnic groups and various gods believe in each other; God and emperor interweave and merge
Despite thousands of years of struggle, all ethnic groups in the four continents have always been fascinated, with powerful sects and leading families. These countries have no emperors or kings, and the actual controllers are the biggest forces in the country.
Su Yu’s coming here is quite low-key. The military forces behind him are hanging far away. Except for some hidden followers of the Royal Guards, jet riding is not close to the city of Qinjian Principality.
After all, a big shot in the Principality of Qinjian is Torre’s friend Su Yu, and I’m embarrassed to take military forces around the city with great fanfare.
How do you count yourself as a junior? It’s not good and arrogant to visit the Principality of Qinjian.
When Su Yu got up from work, there was a knock at the door outside.
"Knock, knock ~!"
"Ye, there is no Accord in this restaurant. Why don’t we change places for lunch?"
Ling Aner’s crisp sound came from outside the door.
"crunch ~!"
Su Yu opened the door and said with a smile, "Why don’t you let Zhao Yun find a place in the hall on the second floor? I’m not a fairy and I have to avoid people?"
Linganer smiled and promised to come.
In a short time Su Yu took four women downstairs and followed Zhao Yun and his party directly to the hall on the second floor and sat by the window.
Although the four women wore veils in accordance with the arrangement, the swaying waist like a willow and the gentle face like a gentle jade in their eyes made the restaurant temporarily lost and silent.
"Who is this?"
"Look! Terran beauty again! "
"What a beautiful woman!"
"This little girl is really gone. * * * The luck is accompanied by so many beautiful women. This beauty is not weaker than the two pearls in the Principality of Qinjian!"

"Who are Ye Daoyou?"

Li Yinhe is a friend of Ye Chen’s, so he asked one more question. If he is really looking for trouble, then he can’t just leave.
"These are the Red Peak people. We have some grievances in Bitao Xiange. I’m afraid we’re looking for trouble this time."
Ye Chen didn’t hide anything, although he didn’t want to draw his friends closer to Xianmen, he could treat his friends and wouldn’t hide anything.
Chapter one thousand two hundred Farewell
Chiyan Peak is also a Immortal Immortal Gate of Tianzhu Empire, and the strength of Bitao Immortal Pavilion is different, which is why the struggle between the two sides has always been said to have never been broken.
However, this South Danzhou is nothing too big. The Xianmen is a monster in the eyes of ordinary people, but it is a small fight in the eyes of Brother Xianzong.
Two jade-pu sword repairs can suppress one of Bi Tao Xian Ge and Chiyan Feng, and I’m afraid there are more than two jade-pu sword repairs in Xianzong. What’s worse, the immortal’s territory is very soaring.
In general, the battles between immortals like Bitao Fairy Pavilion and Chiyan Peak are not taken seriously, and immortals encourage them. After all, it can also train stronger monks in South Danzhou.
South Danzhou is very close to the wild days occupied by the demon race. They have to be ready to bear the attack of the demon race at any time, so the monks here are more eager for strength. Although the monks in South Danzhou fought against the demon mountains, they were all prepared for that day.
Although Xu Ren didn’t come to Nan Danzhou for a long time, he got a general understanding of the fierce folk customs here through the phenomenon.
Even though Xu Ren has a certain understanding of Nandanzhou, it still feels a little weird to see Chiyanfeng take the initiative to find the door today.
"Guan Long, why did you bring so many people to my Bi Tao Xian Ge?"
Bi Tao Xian Ge Ge main Ye Chen looked at the aggressive red peak friar low drink a way
Long Xiu, the famous official of the contemporary peak of Chiyan Peak, has a fire attribute achievement method. Actually, the Bi Tao Xian Ge flow achievement method is quite similar.
"Of course, I’m going to kill you, Bitao Xiange."
The official dragon made no secret of his purpose.
"With you?"
Brigitte Tao Xian Ge Ge main Ye Chen coldly looking at the red peak chief dragon said
"Of course it’s not just me but them."
Dragon, the chief official of Chiyan Fengfeng, said that he had lost his shape, and two people came out behind him.
"Shi Jian, wei urban? I didn’t expect that even Xuanjinshan Mountain and Huayun Cave came to my Bitaoxiange. You don’t have a grudge. You want to take it out on me? "
After seeing the two men behind Guan Long, the face of the main Ye Chen of Bi Tao Xian Ge Ge finally became ugly. Let Bi Tao Xian Ge deal with Chiyan Feng. He is not afraid. After all, the two sides have dealt for so many years, no one can stand it. But if you add Xuanjinshan and Huayun Cave, the situation will be different.
The Xuanjinshan Mountain and Huayun Cave are also the strength of the Immortal Gate of the Tianzhu Empire, and the Bitao Immortal Pavilion is even, and the situation is very obvious.
"This is a group fight. I like it very much."
Xu Ren stretched himself and walked to the main Ye Chen crowd of Bi Tao Xian Ge Ge Ge.
"What are you? How can you speak when we speak? "
As soon as Xu Rencai appeared, the chief dragon of Chiyan Fengfeng stared.
"Let Xu Daoyou laughed. As we can see, Bi Tao Xian Ge is facing a huge crisis. Daoyou should leave as soon as possible or be afraid …"
Ye Chen, the owner of Bi Tao Xian Ge Pavilion, frowned. Of course, he also hoped that Xu Ren would stay and help them. However, in this situation, Xu Ren and they stayed and it is very likely that Bi Tao Xian Ge will fall together. Ye Chen regards Xu Ren and others as friends. He doesn’t want to drag on friends.
"The cabinet owners don’t have to worry. They are just small players. You have to give me a sentence. What needs to be solved today is to repel them or leave these people here completely."
When Xu Ren also knows that South Danzhou has rules, it’s not much difference between the strong and the strong. In this case, he has no worries about ordinary people. He doesn’t care about those fairy door owners. It depends on whether the Bitao fairy cabinet owner has made up his mind.
I don’t care about others, but I want to keep them completely.
Although I don’t know what happened to Xu Ren, Ye Chen answered Xu Ren’s question truthfully.
"That’s it. Others can be scattered. That’s Guan Long, Shi Jian and Wei Eritrea."
After listening to Ye Chen’s words, Xu Ren turned his head directly to Chiyan Peak, Xuanjinshan Mountain and Huayun Cave Godsworn and said.
"Where did the wild boy dare to kill the wolf with a big tail in front of us?"
After listening to Xu Ren’s words, Guan Long, Shi Jian and Wei Er were all angry. It was the first time they heard someone dare to talk to them like this.
Swish swish swish-
Guan Long, Shi Jian and Wei Er’s voice fell instantly, and there have been four Yuan Ying brothers flying towards Xu Renfei.
Xu Ren didn’t speak, but behind him, Bei Gong, Simon, Zhong Lirui and Cao Dian have shown their bodies to meet the four Yuan Ying monks.
The two sides rumbled together for a moment, just like muffled thunder.
Everyone who saw Xu Ren started work, and Ye Chen, the owner of Bi Tao Xian Ge Ge, couldn’t just watch, so he waved his sword and killed the official dragon.
Ye Chen seems that all these figurines today are official dragons. If this official dragon is solved, many problems will be solved.
"Since you want to die early, I’ll be you two. Let’s kill Ye Chen first. Others are easy to deal with."
Shi Jian and Wei Er around Chiyan Fengfeng Chief Dragon said good morning and rushed directly towards the main Ye Chenchong of Bi Tao Xian Ge Ge.
Ye Chen was in a big hurry, but he didn’t expect that he would attract the three door lords at first, but when he had no way out, he could crustily skin of head, Guan Long, Shi Jian and Wei E.
But Ye Chen hasn’t met the three men yet, and two figures stopped Shi Jian at the same time.
The two figures are naturally from Li Yinhe and Zhao Xianglu, a couple from Xuanzhou, North China.
Li Yinhe and Zhao Xianglu, the virtuous couple, are usually enemies together. It is also bad luck for Shi Jian to find Xuanjinshan Shi Jian this time.
When Li Yinhe and Zhao Xianglu looked for Shi Jian, the dumpling demon dragonfly behind Xu Ren also looked for Wei E.
The strength of the dumpling demon dragonfly is not bad. It can be said that the strength of the dumpling demon dragonfly is not too much of a problem to defeat the main Ye Chen of Bi Tao Xian Ge Ge Ge. He is also fully capable of Wei Er’s struggle.
Saw his side a few people have been stopped to the red peak peak chief dragon finally worried.
He didn’t expect that so many experts would suddenly come to Bitao Xiange. Those people are not as strong as he is. Even if he can’t compete with Xianzong, he is definitely the leading force in Xianmen. If Bitao Xiange showed such details earlier, where would he be silly to bring people here to Bitao Xiange to fight and kill?
The official dragon felt that Bitao Xiange had bullied some people, but he didn’t show it when he had such a strong background. This point is that waiting for him to finish the trick is a villain’s behavior.
People sometimes do this, waiting for you to take advantage of yourself first, but once you suffer, you will put the blame on him, even Guan Long, the master of Xianmen Gate, is no exception.
"Ye Chen, you insidious guy, have such a strong background, but you have been deliberately showing weakness to Chiyan Peak. Let me take the initiative to step into the trap you set. You insidious person is not worthy to be a monk in South Danzhou."
Guan Long thought more and more, and he felt more and more angry, so he directly yelled at Ye Chen, the owner of Bi Tao Xian Ge Ge Ge.
"You’re shameless. You want to take advantage of it, but now you don’t, but you have to blame me for it."
Ye Chen was also very angry with the official dragon of Chiyan Fengfeng, and it was the first time for him to meet such an unreasonable person as Guan Long.
"I can give you a chance to lead you three immortal ministers in Bitao Xiange. I can spare you from dying, but if you refuse, no one will leave today."
Xu Ren glanced at Guanlong, Shi Jian and Wei Er and said.
"You can’t expect us to die today."
Guan Long is on the verge of runaway, and he has never suffered such a big loss.
"In that case, you can die."
Xu Ren’s face sank when he spoke, and then he quietly prompted the "black hole" of flying sword.
For a moment, the official dragon felt that he was sinking to avoid Ye Chen’s attack and was directly strangled by Ye Chen’s flying sword.
"Are you two the same choice as Guan Long?"

"Hey!" Zeng Lizhong said

"poof!" Cheng Ge, Chi Nong and Chen Hongyi all spit out the rice in their mouths and then Cheng Ge laughed my head off.
A bamboo long also can’t help but smile.
Yes, I didn’t laugh. I just gave a "roll" back, which is similar to Zeng Lizhong’s. We are both in the same level, but a little better than him.
I said, "Can Uncle Zeng keep the ancient moon?"
Chapter 60 The new moon returns
Great-uncle Zeng was taken aback and put the chopsticks down. wait for a while looked at me and said, "Do you want Gu Shuoyue to stay with you?"
No one else has eaten.
The table was unusually silent for a moment.
I nodded and said, "We are still young after all. If my uncle can keep the ancient moon to help us, it will be a great thing for us and the younger generation will be grateful!"
Zeng Lizhong said, "Isn’t it boring for you to stay because of the sex of Brother Gu Shuoyue?"
I said, "He’s a human being, not a ghost. If he can stay and get along first, it will get better after a long time, right?"
Zeng Lizhong said, "I’ve known him for four or five years and I haven’t seen any change in his attitude towards me."
Brother Cheng couldn’t hold back and laughed. "He said you were a bitch when you talked to him in four or five years? !”
Zeng Lizhong gave Cheng Ge a white look. "He will definitely say this word when you go."
Cheng ge pie pie
I looked at Zeng Zhongdao and said, "Tell my uncle to let him stay and he will definitely stay."
Zeng Zhong said, "I told him to stay, but he really wouldn’t refuse me to let him listen to you. He shouldn’t have said anything, but I can’t bear it. Give me a reason enough to say me."
I turned my head and glanced at Gu Shuoyue. I saw his reaction. He shouldn’t be so easy to hear when we speak here, should he?
I turned to look at Zeng Lizhong again and said to Zeng Zhong, "My uncle and younger generation want to ask you a question."
"Do you know or not?"
I said; "Who is more important to you, Gu Shuoyue or Zeng Lizhong?"
Zeng Zhong hesitated for a long time before saying, "Do you still ask this question?"
I smiled and laughed. "The younger generation knows."
What Zeng Zhong said is obviously that Zeng Lizhong is more important. It is his own grandson, the heir to the family incense. In the eyes of an old man, nature is more important than the ancient moon.
So I went on to say, "Is the Zeng family an indispensable person? Or to put it another way, it would be dangerous for the Tseng family to leave the ancient moon predecessors? Will you live a normal life? "
"joke!" Zeng Nanxi couldn’t help saying, "The Zeng family has been a mountain warrior for more than a thousand years. Everyone in the world has lived without anyone but my father!"
Zeng Zhongdao said, "I will live without me."
This meaning is very obvious, not to mention that Zeng Zhong can leave the ancient moon.
And that’s what I want, so I went on to say, "Since the elder Gu Shuoyue is not an indispensable figure for the Zeng family, but it is very important for us, the most important thing is that the brother Lizhong is very important for the Zeng family. Keeping the elder Gu Shuoyue can provide more protection for Zhong An. Do you know that I don’t know if this reason for the younger generation is sufficient or not?"
Zeng zhong’s dumb language
A bamboo Taoist clapped his hands and laughed. "Well, well, I don’t think Zheng’s eloquence is as good as that of Yuan Fang. Haha! Old Zeng, I see what you have to say. "
I laughed. "Uncle, I didn’t believe what you said about a bamboo Taoist priest. As a result, I saw a bamboo Taoist priest later today. He really has more intentions than you do, especially taking care of the younger generation."
"Oh?" Zeng Zhong and Yizhu Daochang are interested. "How do you say this?"
I said, "Tai Bai Xing was originally taken over by your great-uncle and became your thing. As a result, Taoist Yizhu insisted on getting out a blood charm and abruptly put Tai Bai Xing in my gourd and became a big helper for me. Guess what this is? There is no doubt that Taoist Yizhu is good to me, but I’m afraid it’s more good to martial sister Yong He, right? Haha, you have to follow me after you sing the lotus. If I install the lotus, I will be in danger. If you sing the lotus, you will be in danger. Give me more help, that is, add more help to the lotus. This little account is very clear. Oh, am I right? "
Yizhu Taoist priest laughed and didn’t answer the words.
Zeng Zhong caught a glimpse of a bamboo Taoist priest when he heard this. "Wow, so that’s it! I said you were so enthusiastic just now! If I don’t leave the ancient moon, it will appear that I never loved my grandson! Just let Gu Shuoyue stay and help Zheng. "
I was overjoyed and said, "Thank you, Uncle!"
Zeng Lizhong also laughed. "Thank you, Grandpa, for loving your grandson!"
"How long you give me a snack is better than anything!" Zeng Zhong turned his eyes to the ancient moon and shouted, "Come on!"
The figure of the ancient moon’s foot reached the crowd a little bit, and the breath was very slight, just like a petal falling.
"I left on the first day of the moon, and Lizhong will stay to help Amak Chan deal with the five elements." Zeng Zhongdao "Lizhong, this child, you know that he is frivolous, stubborn, pushy, unstable and lewd!"
Zeng Lizhong rolled his eyes. "The first time I heard my grandfather say that his pro-grandson was lewd and lewd, it was also for the sake of Zeng’s family’s inheritance for generations to come."
"I know what my own grandson is like, and I don’t hide anything!" Zeng Zhongdao said, "Shuoyue is definitely a dangerous place for goods. I want to ask you to stay with Amak Chan and others, which is also regarded as guarding and protecting Lizhong."
Zeng Zhong spoke very well. First of all, he didn’t order Gu Shuoyue to stay, but asked Gu Shuoyue to stay, not to help me, but to look after and protect Zeng Lizhong. This was reasonable and reasonable. Gu Shuoyue said "Good!"
Say the ancient moon is light and jump to continue to be alone in the dark corner.
Zeng Zhong shook his head with a wry smile. "This man has always been able to talk without talking. If he can say a word less, he can say a word less."

Ning Caichen looked at Wei Zhaung with a smile. The Royal Guards are the special department of the State of Jin responsible for intelligence and information. To put it bluntly, Wei Zhaung is a special agency. He was born in the Valley of Ghosts and was also a quicksand leader. He has the means and strength. The Royal Guards Grand Commander is the most suitable person. There will be no second person except Wei Zhaung.

"thank you!"
"Ji Yuan made you the Minister of Education and the head of the country’s education workers, and I made you the Lord protector!"
Ning Caichen looked at his teacher, the Ministry of Education, and the head of education in the future of the State of Jin naturally needs a person who can withstand the scene, and it is best for a scholar to be a great scholar. However, to say that there are only four people in the great Confucian field, such as himself, Zhang Liang, Zhuge Liang and Ji Yuan. It is natural that Zhang Liang and Zhuge Liang can’t be the Lord of the State of Jin, and they have arranged for the last place. In addition, Ning Caichen directly sealed the Duke of Ji Yuan as a fifth-class duke, marquis, earl, baron! Previously, Zhang Liang and others were all marquis. Only Ji Yuan was the duke and the first duke and the only one in the state of Jin, but no one said anything. After all, Ning Caichen, a teacher in Jiyuan City, occupies a very important position in this era. From a certain level, it can be seen that without Ji Yuan, Ning Caichen will be destroyed. Naturally, it is not necessary to call Ji Yuan as a duke of Jin.
"Cai Yong ordered you to be the Deputy Minister of Education!"
"Tang Renjing ordered you to be the Minister of Finance!"
"Jiang Xiaobai, I seal your Qi Hou …" "Zhao Yong, I seal your Zhao Hou" "Bi Xuan, I seal your Yuan Hou …"
Later, Ning Caichen conferred titles on others one by one to Jiang Xiaobai and many other powerful masters. He sealed Marquis equally, like Jiang Xiaobai sealed the marquis. The original prince sealed the marquis, and the original king sealed the marquis. Of course, there are also many people who have not sealed it, such as Luna, Saint, and major doors …
"I said that no matter who you were before, what identity and race, you all have an identity after today-Jin people no longer have a country or a race. I hope you will remember that today’s conferring is also a preliminary conferring. Many people have not been conferred to the point that some people may be dissatisfied or disappointed. You can rest assured that today’s unification is just a lack of interpersonal skills. I will never bury you if you have the ability …"
"But in the end, I still want to remind you to do a good job of division of labor. I hope everyone can work together. My country of Jin is getting better and better. I hope you will not do anything that will harm my country of Jin."
Ning Caichen’s voice is calm, but it makes many people feel tight, especially the people of major forces. They still can’t hear Ning Caichen’s last sentence as a warning to them.
"Well, that’s all for today’s meeting. It’s just been unified, and it will be very busy for a long time. I hope you can work together to build our great Jin."
"I will do my best to build a great Jin!"
Everyone should answer!
Chapter 77 A new era
"In the 16th year of the Warring States Period, Tian Tongjin was changed to Yong Yongsheng, and he ascended the throne for one year.No. Tianzun Tianwang, the imperial edict tax, two years of amnesty, and the whole world celebrated …"
In the evening, accompanied by a long bell, it sounded from Bauhinia City, followed by a few penetrating sounds from Xiao Li, the general manager of the prison, in the palace!
"In the 16th year of the Warring States Period, Tian Tongjin was changed to Yong Yongsheng, and he ascended the throne for one year.No. Tianzun Tianwang, the imperial edict tax, two years of amnesty, and the whole world celebrated …"
"In the 16th year of the Warring States Period, Tian Tongjin was changed to Yong Yongsheng, and he ascended the throne for one year.No. Tianzun Tianwang, the imperial edict tax, two years of amnesty, and the whole world celebrated …"
Then, like an echo, one sound after another came out of the Forbidden City and finally resounded through the whole capital. This is Ning Caichen’s imperial edict, and the Royal Guards and the imperial court transported it quickly all over the day …
"Long live the king! Long live the king!" "Long live the king, long live the king …"
Then a burst of shouts rang out, first in the palace, and then spread throughout the capital. Although it was a simple decree, everyone knew that the weight represented by this decree had been unified. This is a historic moment destined to be recorded in history, and this decree is short but contains a lot of information.
The first is that before the revision of the year number, Shenzhou adopted the year of the Warring States, which is now exactly 16 years of the Warring States, but now it is changed to Yongsheng. This year, Yongsheng’s year number directly means that the years of eternal prosperity will last forever. The second is that the title of Ning Caichen King is also called the title of honour. However, there are also different titles, such as the title when the king was in the throne, and the titles added after his death, such as Wang Jichang of Zhou Dynasty and Ji Fa of Wu, and the title of king is also called the title when the monarch was in the throne.
The title can be a word or two words. Ning Caichen’s title single is a word every day, which is the fact that it is a king of honor. Fu Tianqiu, Chen Gong, Zhuge Liang and others directly suggested that Ning Caichen be the emperor directly. They meant that Ying Zheng claimed to be the emperor Ning Caichen a hundred years ago. In terms of current situation, the strength and achievements are better than those of Ying Zheng, the emperor of Qin, who can be called the emperor Ning Caichen, and Ning Caichen is also a semi-emperor, and it is a real semi-emperor. In those days, Ying Zheng was just a half-emperor in the flesh.
However, as soon as this proposal came out, it was rejected by Ning Caichen. Although he boarded the semi-emperor, the more he felt the boundary gap with the improvement, he didn’t know how powerful the real Taoist was, because he had never seen it, but he was sure that even if he boarded the semi-emperor, it was probably not enough to see it. It was an intuition that the emperor was a unique honorific title for the Taoist strong, and he was now only a semi-emperor and far from qualified.
When he really reaches the level of Daoism or has the strength of that realm, he will naturally become the emperor, but now he doesn’t have the ability and doesn’t want these hollow names.
However, the title, whether it’s Ning Caichen’s honorific title or not, has little actual impact on the day. However, the title has a moral that even if the wheel of history is not changed, it will still roll forward. It’s just an honorific title for Ning Caichen, which has no actual impact on the people. However, it is actually beneficial to the people after two years of tax amnesty …
"Bang … bang … bang …"
At night, fireworks burst in Beijing, and the whole city seemed to hold a fireworks pageant. The streets were also full of lanterns, streets, bridges, cruise ships and restaurants, and most of them were smiling. It was a day of universal celebration, and the whole city was filled with joy, not only in many places in Beijing.
"Wow, how beautiful!"
In the Imperial Garden of Bauhinia City, Ning Caichen accompanied Bai Susu and others in a pink princess dress and watched the fireworks bloom in the sky.
"It’s so beautiful …" "It’s good to have a unified day …"
Bai Susu, Yongle, Nie Xiaoqian, Zhao Liner, Gao Lan, Yukime and others also had charming smiles on their faces at this moment. Jinyang and Park Huixian also met each other for such a long time. Ning Caichen also accepted the excitement and joy when they watched the fireworks bloom. When they looked at Ning Caichen, they couldn’t help but feel proud and sweet …
"Why don’t we set off fireworks together?" Ning Caichen suggested, looking at all the women with high interest.
"set off fireworks"
Email, Chen Yuanyuan, Lin Xuelian, Ching Fung and others all looked up, but there was a flicker of conation in their eyes, but they didn’t speak. Because of their identity, they were doomed not to be like ordinary people. Although Ning Caichen didn’t have any requirements for them at ordinary times, when they were outside, they all had to keep a little dignity. After all, their identity was now the representative of the Princess of Jin, not just themselves, but also the State of Jin and Ning Caichen, and they set off fireworks!
"good! Ok! Big brother, let’s set off fireworks together … "
Bai Susu and others are somewhat concerned, but Snow White can’t wait to run over. A face that is seven points similar to Bai Susu is full of excitement.
"Let’s have fun together on such a special day today."
Ning Caichen smiled and then shouted to the door.
"Xiao Li!" "slave"
Xiao Li came in quickly from the outside.
"Go and buy me some fireworks, come in and buy more. I will give everyone a night off tonight. Everyone in the palace can set off fireworks or cause great damage. And give Gao Shunling to let him lead the imperial guard to set off fireworks on the tower. The more the better …"
"ah!" Xiao Li didn’t respond well enough to set off fireworks and ordered the imperial tower to set off fireworks.
"Ah, why don’t you go? Today is a good day. Let’s relax together!" Ning Caichen stared at Xiao Li.
"I obey"
"Ah, what fireworks!"
Seibel, the tower of the Forbidden City, looked at Xiao Li with a dull face. The guards next to him also looked stupid and forced to set off fireworks. Are you sure this is not kidding me?
"This is the will of the positions" Xiao Li looked at Seibel and there were some words in his heart. Don’t say Seibel. He was stupid when he heard Ning Caichen’s command. This is some bullshit.
"I think it means that we want to celebrate together tonight," Xiao Li guessed.
Seibel hesitated for a while to Xiao Li nodded his head a way
"So the officer will leave now. When the fireworks are set off later, the school can watch the news in the palace and then put it together!"
As time went by, an hour passed unconsciously, and the whole capital was still filled with a festive day, and fireworks kept blooming, but compared with the first one, it was much less. However, at this time, many stalls buying fireworks in the capital found a problem, and suddenly many eunuchs also came to buy fireworks and transported them directly into the palace …
"Wang San, what do you think is going on in the palace? How did you come out to buy fireworks?"
Two bosses who bought fireworks stalls in the street chatted. A middle-aged boss with a hemp face looked at the word Hu Wangsan and asked.
"I don’t know this. It won’t be fireworks in the palace. Is it pursuit?" Wang San guessed.
"How is it possible that fireworks will be set off?"
The pockmarked boss immediately denied that he seemed to be tall and rich, and the fireworks were all ordinary people who touched things. How could they touch them …

To prove this, Shen Shi saw that she fell into the water and pretended to be alive. First of all, she was red and lucky, which was amazing, but it was not Shen Shi’s note. It was her feet and her neck still had a faint scent.

It’s a demon! Is there a water demon in Qiantang River? What kind is it?
But it’s just a faint face with no subtitles. Shen Shi couldn’t think of what demon it would be at the moment
However, he was so distracted that he stared at the fake Cao Jinhua, but it made Cao Jinhua’s heart beat faster. I don’t know if I should be angry. It was very painful to catch her.
How can it be painless for a white rabbit to be caught as a woman? But the question now is whether the other person knows that he is a woman?
Cao Jinhua Tong, also her maid, noticed that something was wrong with her young lady and immediately blocked her body in front of her …
"Why didn’t the boatman ship?"
The ship stopped and made so much noise that it finally woke up the first two brothers …
Chapter 45 Ten Fox Demons
Qian Shengwen and Qian Shengju, two brothers, have tried their best to cure their ass injuries, but they are still a little short after half a month, especially when Shen Shikao’s boy students are angry and bleeding again, so they will be careful not to appear easily. Even when someone falls off the boat, they stay in their cabin and don’t run out to watch the fun.
But when the boatmen want to turn around and go back, they are in a hurry. But they have to attend the flower viewing meeting with injuries. How can they just go back?
"boatman’s boat!" Qian Chengwen ordered angrily.
"Oh, no, I can’t ship today. I don’t want to fall off, too." The boatman was scared and hurriedly refused to touch another paddle. Qian Chengwen was not angry again
"Shengju, do you want your escort to try it?" Behind Qian Shengju Qian Shengwen, a young scholar walked out. This man has fine eyes and amiable eyes. He persuaded him, "We can’t be trapped on the river all the time. It’s getting late. Anyway, we must move first."
"It’s probably dangerous to stay here, too," he said, as if others were echoing this youth center
This young man is none other than Liu Yuanze, a famous Hangzhou, and his father is Liu Lin, a famous Hangzhou scholar.
Liulin Suzhou and Hangzhou are very famous. Many people have heard of his classes, such as the Qian brothers. They are rich, but they are not even qualified to attend the lecture in the main hall. They belong to paying the audience.
The Liu Yuanze Liu Gong said that the money brothers immediately ordered their guards to make moves.
The guard nodded and took the paddle to go boating.
"Water has something"
However, as soon as the guard put the paddle into the river, he immediately felt a strong pulling force coming from the water.
Fortunately, the guards just heard them talking about being prepared and not being pulled, but they let go of the paddle and were directly dragged into the river.
"Water, water and ghosts return" The boatman stammered and retreated desperately.
The guard was too surprised to continue rowing. He quickly retreated from the boat and accidentally fell into the river.
"Brother Liu, what can I do?"
Qian Shengwen and Qian Shengju also changed their faces. They are not real readers. They are businessmen who believe in such things as soon as they leave the cabin. Naturally, their temper is scared out of sight.
While Liu Yuanze’s surface is not surprised, but his heart is uneasy. Since he was a child, he didn’t believe in any water ghosts, but the immediate thing made him lose his mind …
How to cite him? He knows that the so-called fragrant family is the family that masters the scientific research method.
Tell me how he did well in the exam, but he is not professional in these things.
Speaking of professional Gongsun Ce Kong Xue Li looked at Shen Shi. "What do you think of Shen Xiandi?"
Shen Shi has seen them ask themselves, "There is something in water."
"Haha, who doesn’t know that water is nonsense!" Qian Chengwen is still so provocative to Shen Shi. It seems that someone’s arrival has given him poor confidence
While Liu Yuan beside him is a folding fan with excellent manners.
"This brother knows something about exorcism and exorcism?"
And compared with the money family brother Liu Yuan is unusually polite.
In this way, a man is either a real upright gentleman or a pseudo-gentleman with a deep talent, but Shen Shi doesn’t see righteousness from him, which shows that he is the latter.
"I don’t understand exorcism ofuda" Shen Shi shook his head.
"Don’t understand? Then how do you drive away water ghosts? "
Haha, he doesn’t understand
Qian Chengwen abnormal heart way "Shen Shi, why don’t you beg the water ghost? Maybe the water ghost in the river will be reasonable. If the water ghost can sell you noodles, I really want to see it."
"Reasonable water ghost! Ha ha, interesting, interesting. I didn’t expect this brother to be a funny man. "Liu Yuanze also laughed.
He felt that it would become an interesting thing in the end and it was worth sharing with his literary friends in the future.
This can make the mouth of the literati in Kong Xue, Gongsun Ce very angry, but it is very powerful. If it is not reversed and passed through their mouths, I am afraid these Japanese names will be ruined.
But they haven’t said anything yet, "Who told you this side is a water ghost?"
"Not a water ghost? What’s that? "
Shen Shi said that "ghosts are afraid of the sun, and it is impossible for water ghosts to show up without darkness."
Yu Daoxing is a profound old ghost …